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Gone, but he hasn't forgotten: former Mesa Springs neighborhood's VP

Johnny Russom, former vice president of the Mesa Springs Community Association.
Westside Pioneer file photo
July 26, 2018
       Johnny Russom, an electrician and vice president of the Mesa Springs Community Association (MSCA) since 2011, has moved to Seattle, Washington.
       But being gone doesn't mean he's forgotten. He wants to help find and train a replacement for his position on the MSCA's volunteer board. He explains this in an e-mail sent to the neighborhood.
       That e-mail appears below:
       Hello, Mesa Springs. This is a message from the vice president of Mesa Springs Community Association. On July 9 I relocated to Seattle for a better job opportunity.
       MSCA will be looking for a replacement for my position. The neighborhood perimeters are 1-25 west to undeveloped land before Mesa Road, then Uintah to Fillmore on the Colorado Springs Westside.
       I am keeping my home in the neighborhood, as I love Mesa Springs and will continue to support it! If you know anyone in the neighborhood that would be interested, please contact us at mesasprings@gmail.com.
       I will help mentor a replacement for as long as it takes. MSCA President Barbara Novey would be happy to assist. This is a great opportunity for a individual who loves the area and wants to represent it. It's about three to six hours of your time every three months unless you participate in more public meetings.
       Here are the list of duties:
       - Paint a date on the sign located at Fontanero and Chestnut streets. It is removable, so you can paint it at your home.
       - Stay in touch with our neighborhood nonprofits to share what's going on in the neighborhood. Share it on our Facebook.
       - Help host a meeting quarterly with other board members at a place provided.
       - Type out an easy handout for the minutes of the meetings.
       So if you would like to give back to one of the best hidden neighborhoods in Colorado Springs, please inquire!
       This was such an honor to me. I started being involved with no experience at the age of 26. I wish my career could have stayed in Colorado Springs. It's a great city, about to grow substantially.
       If you are a positive person, or know someone with passion, this is an easy position. You don't need to worry about politics. Only gather good ideas from your neighborhood and work with amazing city officials to tell them what the people would like to see in your neighborhood.
       Mesa Springs could also use a treasurer. That would be about three hours of time every three months. This association has been around since about 1985. Gratefully served for more than seven years.
       Johnny Russom, MSCA VP

Westside Pioneer/press release
(Community: Neighborhoods)

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