Meet a Westsider:
Vickie Hilty

Profession/Occupation... personnel director, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

What I like most about the Westside is... The variety and personality – everything doesn't look just like the building next door or across the street. And, the people don't all fit into the cookie-cutter mold of some neighborhoods.

If I could change anything about the Westside, it would be... I'd like to see things just a bit more wheelchair-accessible.

A good movie I’ve seen recently is... It's been ages since I've been to a movie theater.

The worst advice I’ve ever gotten was... to have one more back surgery.

If I could meet someone famous, I’d like to meet... Rudy Guiliani – I heard him speak when he did a presentation here a couple years ago, and I would very much like to have talked to him for a few minutes.

The next time I travel, I’m going to... My only travel plans for the immediate future are to go back to Idaho to see my husband’s family.

My favorite childhood memory is... Going on vacation to New Jersey and going to the ocean.

My favorite summer pastime is... I love to work outside, with my flowers, tomatoes and herbs.

Something good I’ve read is.. I recently finished rereading the Diana Gabaldon “Outlander” series.

My pet peeve is... People who park in or block handicapped parking spaces.

If I won the lottery, I’d... I'd buy a new wheelchair and van, take my mother on vacation, and set up a trust for Cheyenne Village to support their work with the developmentally disabled.

Meet a Westsider” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you would like to be a Meet-a-Westsider (or know someone who should be), please give us a call at 471-6776.